Joint Secretariat
The Joint Secretariat is based in Santander (SP) and is a one-stop desk. It assists the Managing Authority and the Monitoring Committee with the implementation and management of projects.
Its main tasks are:
- Promoting and guaranteeing a direct and fluid relation with the projects' beneficiaries.
- Promoting the Programme at transnational level through its information, promotion and communication work.
- Ensuring the opening of calls for proposals (reception, joint hearings with the National Authorities; documents' drafting submitted to the Steering Committee).
- Centralizing the information concerning practical and financial execution of the Programme.
- Checking the payment requests made by the lead managers and drafting the payment proposals to be submitted by the Managing to the Certification Authority.
Postal Address |
Contact |
Attention schedule (CET) |
Secretaría Conjunta Sudoe
Plaza del Príncipe, nº4, 1ª planta
39003 Santander
Phone: (+34) 942 23 83 62
Monday-Thursday: 9h30-14h00 / 15h45-17h45
Friday: 9h30-14h00
Isabelle Roger Director Email: Phone: (+34) 942 23 83 74 Skype: Isabelle_Sudoe |
Clarisse Gallard Administrative assistant Email: Phone: (+34) 942 23 83 62 Skype: Clarisse Gallard Sudoe
Christophe Cazal Project officer Email: Phone: (+34) 942 23 84 14 Skype:
Alexandre Le Gall Project officer Email: Phone: (+34) 942 24 11 16 Skype: alexandresudoe
Alexandra Lopes
Project officer Email: Phone: (+34) 942 23 83 81 Skype: alexandra_lopes_sc |
Gloria Lázaro Project officer Email: Tel: (+34) 942 23 83 44 |
Fernando Chofre Financial and controls officer Email: Phone: (+34) 942 23 83 88 Skype: Fernando Chofre Sudoe |
Antonio Teles Communications Officer Email: Tel: (+34) 942 24 11 15 Skype: Antonio Teles (IS20212027) |