The Calls for Proposals
The 2014-2020 Interreg Sudoe Programme expects five calls for proposals - each of them organised according to a two-steps application procedure, one simplified and another one complete.
What kind of entities can be beneficiaries of the Programme?
Projects must be organised by a transnational partnership which includes organisations from, at least, three different countries participating in the Programme. Partners can be public or private entities (profit or non-profit) and companies, excluding large companies. The latter should be located in the Programme eligible regions: Auvergne, Aquitaine and Occitanie from South-West France, all the Spanish Autonomous Communities except Canary Islands, all the continental regions of Portugal, United Kingdom (Gibraltar) and the Principality of Andorra.

The application package
All the documents required must be completed and processed using the online application system eSudoe. Furthermore, the application package must be sent to the Joint Secretariat by mailing post. For both steps, the application must be written in all the languages of the partnership to enable the assessment procedure by each Member State.
Application procedures have two steps:
- In Step 1, beneficiaries have to submit a ‘project proposal’, which clearly describes the relevance of the project (intervention logics - Spanish, French, Portuguese) with a clear definition of the common territorial challenge to be addressed by the project, the approach adopted to deal with this challenge and the added value of transnational cooperation. Also, it has to mention the main expected results, specifying the link between objectives and results of the project and the Programme.
- Step 2 applies to the project proposals that passed Step 1 and consists of submitting a full application form.
How to submit a project proposal
In both steps, the project proposals must be submitted respecting the deadline and way set by the call’s official announcement.
Technical meeting on Step 2
Between both steps, the Joint Secretariat organises a technical meeting where applicants who passed step 1 are invited to. The main goal of this meeting is to explain the technical aspects of the submission of applications, as well as some content aspects to improve the quality of their proposals.
Admissibility criteria
In order to avoid any misunderstandings, the Joint Secretariat has prepared an explanatory table about the concepts linked to the “application package” and all its parts in Step 1 and 2 of the first call, including their links to the admissibility criteria. The table is available in Spanish, French and Portuguese.
More information
- For more information on project development and management, check the Sudoe programme manual available in our virtual library.
- You can consult the intervention logics of the programme below.
- Check the calendar of Calls.
- Check our tools for potential beneficiaries.
- Use our partner search tool to publish your project idea or to find partners.