Priority axis 5
Environment and resource efficiencyProtecting the environment and promoting the efficient use of resources |
The priority axis 5, Environment and resource efficiency, is one of the five priority axis of the Interreg Sudoe Programme
Because the Sudoe space has a marked rural isolation, a great biodiversity and an extremely rich natural and cultural heritage that needs not only to be protected but also to be encouraged as to making use of it and contributing to local development in a sustainable manner.
- Improving management methods of common natural and cultural heritage through the implementation of networks and joint experimentation.
- Reinforcing the cooperation of the Sudoe stakeholders of the natural sites through the development and the use of joint methods.
Types of projects
- Encouraging sustainable development and environmental impact mitigation strategies in tourist areas and the economic exploitation of natural areas.
- Improving knowledge of common cultural and natural heritage and the economic potential of natural areas.
- Promoting the internationally recognised tourist products from the natural and cultural heritage.
- Economic valuation of products resulting from the exploitation of forests and natural resources.
- Joint strategies for the protection and restoration of ecosystems and the integrated management of resources and natural areas.
- Improving knowledge.
- The creation of tools for joint/shared work.
- Pilot projects or the carrying out of tasks of ecological engineering designed to establish a network of ecological continuity, including urban and peri-urban areas.
Public bodies and economic actors specialized in tourism, environmental sector, improvement of local and regional development, agricultural trade associations and livestock breeders, chambers of commerce, industry and navigation.
Percentage of the total budget
28.4 million Euros
Environment and resource efficiency |