Innovative instruments for the integrated management of groundwater in a context of increasing scarcity of water resources
Axis 1 Research and innovation
Objective 1b2 Developing dissemination of applied research related to essential facilitating technologiesImage gallery
- Water resources (technologies for an efficient management, potential development or economic activities, smart distribution systems, quality control, irrigation systems, supply, etc.)
- 2. Comunitat d'usuaris d'aigua de la vall baixa i delta del Llobregat (ES)
- 3. Asociación Catalana para la Innovación y la internacionalización del sector del agua Catalan Water Partnership (ES)
- 4. Comunidad de regantes del campo de Cartagena (ES)
- 5. BRGM Direction Régionale Occitanie Site de Toulouse (FR)
- 6. Pôle mondial de compétitivité eau (FR)
- 8. Instituto Superior de Agronomia Centro de Investigação em Agronomia, Alimentos, Ambiente e Paisagem (PT)
- 9. Associação Parceria Portuguesa para a Água (PT)
Project summary
The main objective of AQUIFER is to capitalize, test, disseminate and transfer innovative practices for the preservation, monitoring and integrated management of aquifers that are helpful when making decisions about the management of groundwater resources, improve technology transfer to local agents, create new synergies and develop common tools in a context of scarcity of water resources and environmental threats.
The main innovative element of AQUIFER is the consideration of the problem in its entirety: experimentation of management tools on the components "quantity" and "quality" of water: management of recharge, monitoring network and hydrological modeling, especially. Likewise, detect, test and implement innovations thanks to the 3 water clusters linked to a network of actors and startups in the water sector and the creation of a decision support tool to disseminate good practices through the creation of a permanent and free website for all water stakeholders.
Participating regions
- Alentejo
- Cataluña
- Comunidad de Madrid
- Languedoc-Roussillon
- Lisboa
- Midi-Pyrénées
- Norte
- Región de Murcia