Hospital SUDOE 4·0
Smart energy management in hospitals
Axis 3 Low-carbon economy
Objective 4c1 Improving energy efficiency policies and the use of renewable energy sources in public buildings and housing through the implementation of networks and joint experimentation
Total eligible cost (€)
1.406.848,88 €
ERDF grant (€)
1.055.136,66 €
Image gallery
- Use of renewable energy sources in housing
- 2. Dirección General de Arquitectura. Secretaria de Arquitectura, Vivienda y Políticas de Consumo. Consejería de Sanidad y Políticas Sociales. Junta de Extremadura. ES
- 3. Fundación para la Formación e Investigación de los Profesionales de la Salud de Extremadura FundeSalud ES
- 4. Chambre de Commerce et d?Industrie Bayonne Pays Basque FR
- 6. ADENE - Agência para a Energia PT
- 7. Instituto Superior Técnico PT
- 8. Ecole Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées FR
Project summary
The objective of Hospital SUDOE 4-0 is to develop and to build instrument of smart management in order to ensure a lower energy consumption of hospitals and health centres. Moreover, the participation of administrations will be encourages in order the latter to adopt those instruments, including them into public policies on energy transition.
Participating regions
- Aquitaine
- Castilla y León
- Extremadura
- Lisboa
- País Vasco