Mapping, consolidation and diss emination of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) for Sudoe building sector

Axis 1 Research and innovation
Objective 1b2 Developing dissemination of applied research related to essential facilitating technologiesImage gallery
- Multisectorial
2. Fundación CARTIF ES
3. Fundación CIRCE - Centro de Investigación de Recursos y Consumos Energéticos ES
4. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ES
5. Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation ES
6. Fundación Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía ES
8. Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, IP PT
9. Associação Plataforma Construção Sustentável PT
10. Universidade Nova de Lisboa PT
11. Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux FR
12. Pôle CREAHd FR
13. Universidade de Aveiro PT
Project summary
SUDOKET promotes the application of innovative technologies known as “Key Enabling Technologies” or KETs, for more efficient and eco-friendly buildings in order to guarantee higher well-being to our citizens. In this sense, SUDOKET is built upon 4 pilot building projects. Furthermore, it boosts the research and development of new solutions based on KETs in universities and research centers. Thus, SUDOKET develops online information systems to disseminate information regarding KETs and boosting sector’s networking.
Participating regions
- Andalucía
- Aquitaine
- Aragón
- Castilla y León
- Cataluña
- Centro
- Lisboa
- Norte
- País Vasco