![Axis 2: Competitiveness of SMEs](/imagenes/Prioridades/B7BC30EC-C94E-CAFF-3EAA-C068593220B3.png/resizeMod/53/0/imagen.png)
Axis 2 Competitiveness of SMEs
Objective 3b1 Improving and increasing the internationalisation of SMEsImage gallery
- Environmental services (management and risk protection and biodiversity) and energy (production technologies, distribution and storage from renewable sources), air quality and emissions control
- Biotechnology and health (including the biomedical and pharmaceutical industry)
- Creative industries (including cultural industries)
- Industrial technologies (processes, equipment, machinery and components)
- Information technology and telecommunications (including electronics and computers)
- Multisectorial
2. Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Murcia ES
3. CCI Nouvelle-Aquitaine FR
4. NET - Novas Empresas e Tecnologias, S.A. PT
5. Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación del Principado de Asturias ES
6. Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de la Rochelle FR
8. Proyectos y Soluciones Tecnologicas Avanzadas SLP ES
9. B Cell Design FR
10. UPTEC - Associação de Transferência de Tecnologia da Asprela PT
Project summary
RYME+ will work to promote the internationalisation of SMEs by helping to solve a major disadvantage of south-west Europe: the limitations of SMEs in internationalisation processes owing to cultural and financial barriers and a lack of preparation. The methodology used will be the opening of a call after which the project will carry out a diagnosis of the internationalisation capacity of SMEs in Portuguese, Spanish, and French regions. Approximately half of them will be chosen for their business preparation and their qualification by means of innovative tools. Finally the 50 best positioned SMEs in the group will be selected to take part in five international missions in the United States, Brazil, Uruguay, and Israel.
Participating regions
- Centro
- Limousin
- Norte
- Principado de Asturias
- Región de Murcia
Estado de avance del proyecto
RIME + supports the internationalization of SMEs in the Sudoe’s area in relation to health and well-being, energy, sustainable industrial materials and Smart cities and ITCs and creative industries. Responding to the low capacity for innovation and guidance of the latter, it improves knowledge on the growth and internationalization potential of Sudoe. It was born from the capitalization of an earlier project, RYME, developed through the 2007-2013 Sudoe program, promoting its online development.
Among its results, we should mention:
- An internationalization platform for SMEs with 4 main services (international networking, diagnosis of internationalization, commercial preparation and training in foreign markets) that has a database of 317 companies.
- An evaluation of the internationalization methodology of SUDOE SMEs.
- The selection and training of SUDOE SMEs for the integration of internationalization actions.
- Pre-selection tools, registration and diagnosis of SMEs. Thus, 317 SMEs were registered on the platform, 131 candidates for the project selection processes and 102 were selected to participate in the process.
- Commercial preparation tools.
- Training tools with mentoring sessions.
- Tools for matching and speedating.
- Evaluation tools thanks to which 43 companies were selected for their participation in 5 commercial missions.
- Immersion workshops.
- 4 trade missions to Chicago, Sao Paulo, Montevideo and Austin.
- 1 benchmarking mission to Tel Aviv.
- The follow-up of 56 identified commercial binomials.
As of today, 70% of the companies participating in the commercial missions were successful in their inter-institutionalization processes.