Interreg Sudoe - Programme Sudoe Interreg

The approved projects

The approved projects

Improving access to financing for SUDOE SMEs and businessmen
Improving access to financing for SUDOE SMEs and businessmen


Improving access to financing for SUDOE SMEs and businessmen

Axis 2: Competitiveness of SMEs

Axis 2 Competitiveness of SMEs

Objective 3a1 Developing capacities for the improvement of the environment of SMEs in the Sudoe space
Total eligible cost (€) 1.344.933,34 € ERDF grant (€) 1.008.700,00 €

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Contact Carmen Robles Responsable del proyecto [email protected]
  1. Water resources (technologies for an efficient management, potential development or economic activities, smart distribution systems, quality control, irrigation systems, supply, etc.)
  2. Environmental services (management and risk protection and biodiversity) and energy (production technologies, distribution and storage from renewable sources), air quality and emissions control
  3. Tourism
  4. Biotechnology and health (including the biomedical and pharmaceutical industry)
  5. Agribusiness and timber
  6. Creative industries (including cultural industries)
  7. Textiles, clothing and footwear
  8. Industrial technologies (processes, equipment, machinery and components)
  9. Information technology and telecommunications (including electronics and computers)
  10. Multisectorial
Call for proposals First Duration 30 Months - Lead partner Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Oviedo. (ES) Other beneficiaries

2. Consejo de Cámaras de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de la Comunidad Valenciana. ES
3. Cambra Oficial de Comerç, Indústria, Serveis i Navegació de Barcelona. ES
4. Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León. ES
5. Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Aquitaine FR
6. Agência Nacional de Inovação, S.A. - Portugal PT
7. ANJE-Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários. PT 
8. Fundación Universidad San Jorge. Instituto de Medio Ambiente. Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación. ES

Project summary

The difficulties of SMEs. micro-companies, and entrepreneurs in accessing financing and simplifying their financial management lead to the appearance of "the financially excluded”. SMART FINANCE proposes as a solution the first transnational platform for access to and administration of financing, which will also be the first smart financial ecosystem (based on information and communication technologies). The platform will bring together all the key players of financing so as to offer the companies financing alternatives, personalised advice, accompaniment, and training.

Participating regions

  • Aquitaine
  • Aragón
  • Castilla y León
  • Cataluña
  • Comunidad Valenciana
  • Norte
  • Principado de Asturias

Estado de avance del proyecto

Smart Finance improves access to financing for SMEs and entrepreneurs in the SUDOE area, improving their business competitiveness. Approximately 70% of GDP in this area is generated by SMEs without growth plans and lacking the necessary financial resources. For this reason, the project created a transnational platform for access to financing, betting on projects of the new economy.

Its results include:

  • The creation of a transnational platform for access and management of financing.
  • 7 windows of personalized advice to SMEs and entrepreneurs.
  • The preparation of a Critical Study on the Financial Offer in SUDOE.
  • A transnational survey on access to financing.
  • The creation of the SMART FINANCE Academy to train SMEs on financing and management.

Despite the completion of the project, the platform as the associated advisory service will continue to function.