Interreg Sudoe - Programme Sudoe Interreg

Sudoe News

Sudoe News

The list of beneficiaries has just been published

Categoría General

Following the signature of the ERDF grant agreements, the projects approvedwithin the framework of the first call for proposals of the Interreg Sudoe Programme officially began their activities.

The list of beneficiaries of the approved projects is available on the program’s website in the heading “projects\list of beneficiaries”. The file placed at the disposal of the public is in Excel format.

The information included in this table brings the most relevant data of each beneficiary, for example, the name of their entity, their location (area and country) or the ERDF amount granted.

For readability reasons the projects’ summaries are available directly in the descriptive factsheet of each project. You can check here the projects’ summary.


Updated on: 26/10/2016. As of now, 34 of the 36 approved projects have signed the ERDF grant agreement. The projects Kreative Habitat and Valuepam will sign their grant agreement later on and their factsheet will then be published.