Sudoe News
RISK MANAGEMENT: Ceres at the XV Conference of Ecology Federation
Categoría Management of projects approved
The CERES project was presented during the XV edition of the Conference of the Ecology Federation which took place in Lisbon from July 29th to August 2nd. During this event, André Fonseca from ISA, partner of the project, presented a poster of the work achieved until now. A summary can be downloaded here.
Moreover, CERES started its Works in the Mediterranean area such as the development of a tool that informs about the ecological links of terrestrial and raptor ecosystems. Ecological Relevant Unities (ERU) were defined as elements of key vegetation to maintain and to improve the structural complexity and to promote the local biodiversity and the ecosystem functioning. Furthermore, a set of biological elements was selected to investigate the relation between the ERT structural connectivity and the biodiversity in different environments (woods, intensive agriculture, etc.) that includes ants, bats and caterpillars.