Interreg Sudoe - Programme Sudoe Interreg

Sudoe News

Sudoe News

Third call for Proposals: we give you a hand!

Categoría Call

The third Call for proposals will open on 3rd September 2018 for 3 priority axis: Axis 2-SMS competitiveness - Promoting the competitiveness and internationalization of the SMEs of Southwest Europe; Axis 3 - Law-carbon economy - Contributing to a higher efficiency of the energy efficiency policies; Axis 4: Combating climate change -Prevent and manage risks more efficiently.

To help candidates to prepare their applications, the National Authorities and Joint Secretariat will organise other two sessions of “60 minutes with Sudoe”, an online one hour meeting during which applicants can raise their questions. The first one (two per language) will focus on the presentation on applications. Webinars have been set up as it follows:

  • Wednesdays 12h00-13h00 (UTC+2): Spanish
  • Wednesdays 15h30-16h30 (UTC+2): Portuguese (it means 14h30-15h30 for Portugal)
  • Thursday 11h00-12h00 (UTC+2): French

Sessions will be during the first two weeks of September.

If you want to ask your questions to the joint Secretariat, register in the following links. The registration will be valid for all the sessions of the same language.


And for any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Joint Secretariat!


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