06/06/2018 Celebrating 15 years of Interreg Sudoe Programme or how transnational cooperation helps to build Southwestern Europe, Brussels (BE)

Interreg South West (Sudoe) began 15 years ago as the transnational cooperation programme for economic, social, territorial and cultural development within Soutwestern Europe. In celebration of this milestone, the programme is organising a high level conference on territorial cooperation, which will take place on 6/06/2018 in Brussels. The former BBC reporter, Ms. Claire Doole, will moderate an interesting debate between political and institutional representatives on the success of Sudoe and the future of cohesion policy within Southwestern Europe. The event will include inspiring interventions of key Sudoe projects from different sectors – such as innovation or climate change, to explore concrete experiences related to the development of a 770.904 km2 area and the improvement of European citizens’ day-to-day lives. SO, the question is, will you be there?
WHEN: 6/06/2018
WHERE: Committee of the Regions, Brussels (Belgium)