30 oct. dimanche | 31 oct. lundi | 1 nov. mercredi | 2 nov. jeudi | 3 nov. vendredi | 4 nov. samedi | 5 nov. dimanche |
6 nov. lundi | 7 nov. mardi | 8 nov. mercredi | 9 nov. jeudi | 10 nov. vendredi | 11 nov. samedi | 12 nov. dimanche |
13 nov. lundi | 14 nov. mardi | 15 nov. mercredi | 16 nov. jeudi | 17 nov. vendredi | 18 nov. samedi | 19 nov. dimanche |
20 nov. lundi | 21 nov. mardi | 22 nov. mercredi | 23 nov. jeudi | 24 nov. vendredi | 25 nov. samedi | 26 nov. dimanche |
27 nov. lundi | 28 nov. mardi | 29 nov. mercredi | 30 nov. jeudi | 1 déc. vendredi | 2 déc. samedi | 3 déc. dimanche |
AGROSMARTcoop: Regional Seminar in Euskadi “Agri-food innovation for sustainability”, Vitoria (ES)
Jornada informativa Interreg Sudoe, Cadiz
SOS PRADERAS: 3rd Partners Meeting, Mieres (ES)
VINOVERT: Debate meeting "Jornada de debate transversal sobre variedades de vid resistentes a enfermedades", Vilafranca del Penedès (ES)
RYME+: Webinar on Texas Market (online)
WETWINE: The Vine Science Award, Amsterdam (ND)
RYME+: 4th Partners meeting, O Porto (PT)
TURBO SUDOE: Launch event, Burgos (ES)
AGROSMARTCoop – Regional Seminar in Galicia, Santiago de Compostela
AGROSMARTCoop – Smart Marketing Capsule, Tomelloso (ES)
AGROSMARTCoop – Sustainable innovation Capsule, Tomelloso (ES)
REHABILITE: 4th Partners Meeting, Bordeaux (FR)
INNOVEC'EAU: 3rd Partners meeting, Lisboa (PT)
UEAPME Construction Forum, Brussels
REHABILITE: 2nd Transnational Forum, Bordeaux (FR)
AGROSMARTcoop: Regional Seminar in Extremadura - Technical Visits to agri-food cooperatives (Badajoz, ES)
WETWINE: 3rd Dissemination Event, Villa Real (PT)
WETWINE: 3rd Partners meeting, Villa Real (PT)